Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Why Men Like Straight Girls

As I was browsing through the internet, I came across an article wherein a girl goes into an experiment to find out if men prefer curly hair or straight hair. She puts up two profiles: one with curly hair and the other with straight hair; sure enough, there were more winks, more emails, on the straight haired profile. This drove me to ask my male friends which they preferred and why it mattered. They didn’t go into the details of why but just said that it did matter; and most of them were in accordance with the response to the straight haired profile. An online competition website has a Best Hair Ever category and (guess what?) entries were of different colored hair but ALL of them were straight.

So why do men like straight hair? Here are some reasons that I could only speculate upon…

It looks neat and clean. Straight hair looks like a well-ironed shirt. Who would want to leave the house wearing crumpled shirt, right?

Men like running their fingers through a girl’s hair. When a man runs his fingers through a girl’s hair, it’s erotic. With straight haired girls, it goes smoothly, softly, though the hair caressing the scalp and fingers getting tickled but the thin strands that mesh in and out of a man’s fingers. With curly hair, it stops short. Their fingers go through and meet tangles caused by the natural curliness of the girl’s hair. Accidentally, because of the resistance caused by the tangles he inadvertently pulls her hair. What does he do? Say sorry when he was trying to reach out and touch? Hell no… suffice it say it would be a very awkward moment.

Straight is sweet and virginal. I mean really. Straight haired girls even from my perception look so sweet and virginal unless of course they’re all covered with tattoos and have nose rings or what have you. They’re prom queen and cheerleader incarnate. What guy wouldn’t want to go out with the prom queen or the cheerleader? It’s the perfect kind of girl to bring home to mom. And even if they’re not sweet and virginal they could always hide behind their straight hair.


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